Discover the secret of healing yourself and others with age old safe, easy to learn and fast acting methods. Most people get pain relief within minutes of starting this program. Want to end that pain, stop those sniffles, reduce your medical costs, stop using those expensive drugs, get your life back. Help yourself, your ailing family and your friends and begin a new healthy future. Join our acupressure program. We can do it ourselves. We don’t need expensive insurance programs or drugs with serious side effects. Take your health care into your own hands. I have. Others have. You can. Help us demonstrate how this works for you. We need more success stories. Thousands have gotten relief with acupressure. Join us. You have nothing to lose but your pain and ill health. What Can You Expect Subscribe to get all the information in the program but NOT any tools. Can Acupressure Help You? ● Acupressure is non-invasive and there are no negative side-effects. ● Acupressure is safe, easy to learn and do on oneself at home. ● Acupressure promotes and generates overall healing, along with symptom relief. ● Acupressure accelerates healing from injuries and surgery. ● Chronic conditions that have resisted other treatments are frequently relieved through acupressure. In our recent study users had most of their pain
relieved in just a few
minutes. Sixty-five percent of people with headaches (387) were completely pain free
within 3 minutes. Other pain studies show similar results. Any condition you have
can be studied. (Our index has over 4,000
conditions). The World Health Organization and others drew up a list of diseases or
conditions they felt were responsive to acupuncture and acupressure. We are interested in
anyone with conditions on this list. This first research is mostly survey research only. At a later time, when the bugs of getting the information and knowledge to those interested is worked out, we will do more controlled research. We want to be sure we are measuring the benefits of acupressure and not how well we were able to share these methods. Anyone participating in this program will get copies of the different studies that come out of the Acu-Ki Institute and the results of the efforts of others in the program. Testimonials which made me dedicated to teaching this system of healing are listed here. The complete list of testimonials reported in our 1148 study is listed here. Below are a few of the most memorable and meaningful. People have gotten results for problems that no one else has been able to help and they have spent thousands of dollars with no results only to see the pain dissappear in a few minutes with acupressure. I hurt my neck 25 years ago in a car accident. No one has been able to give me treatment without me having a severe reaction of nausea and faint feeling. Doctors have given up on me. I am in constant intense pain. This is the only relief I have ever felt. Since I went through the windshield of my car two years ago I have spent thousands of dollars and have not had any relief until these techniques were demonstrated to me. In just a few minutes the pain was gone. I had neck surgery 8 years ago but it still bothers me 3 or 4 times a week. In less than 3 minutes he made it feel better than it has since my surgery. I broke my back two months ago and I got more relief in the last 10 minutes than $4000 of doctors, hospitals, pain killers and everything anyone could do for me. I have just spent $16,000 on my back problems. They told me they couldn’t tell me what was wrong and to take my vacation time and maybe it would go away. 95% of my pain was gone in just a few minutes of me working on the points he showed me. I have had 5 surgeries on my back and none of them have gotton rid of the oain. The doctors have given up. With a short treatment my legs and shoulders feel better. The pain in my back is gone. Several doctors can’t tell me what is wrong with my knees. With a short acupressure treatment my knee felt better instantly and is still feeling good after two hours. I’m a nurse and 10 years ago I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I have tried everything including nerve blocks, physical therapy, pain medication, massage, acupuncture and more. Nothing helps. In a matter of minutes I felt better and after 3 months this is still the only thing that helps. I got more relief standing here in 10 minutes than a year of physical therapy three times a week for a car injury to my neck. I had the worst migraine headache attacks my doctor had ever seen. Nothing helped until I used the Acu-Ki. After 1 week my headaches never came back. When I feel that old tightness that tells me they are coming again I work the points and it is gone. Three years now and no headaches. I was in a show on alternative health in NY. My Acu-Ki tools were in a basket in front of me on the table. While I was talking with someone a lady came by and picked up my Acu-Ki from the basket and casually commented that this tool had saved her life. When I asked "how so?" she said that she had been going from doctor to doctor for several years with a series of symptoms that were getting worse and she was getting desparate. She felt at deaths door. She found the tool at a health food store and began rolling it on her hand. Her health immediately improved. Click this link to begin now. Join Program Cost $8.50 for shipping the tools and books. Click this link to get all the information in program but NOT any tools. Subscribe What is Acupressure The healing art of acupressure is at least 5000 years old and remains the 3rd most popular method for pain and illness relief in the world. Based on the same principles as acupuncture, (but using pressure instead of needles), acupressure works by stimulating specific reflex points located along the lines of energy which run through the body, called meridians. There are 14 main meridian lines and numerous secondary lines, each of which corresponds to an individual organ or physical system of the body. When the vital energies (Ki) are able to flow through the meridians in a balanced and even way, the result is good health. However, when we experience pain or illness, it is an indication that there is a block or leak in the energy flow within our bodies. Nature’s Healing Response What Next 1. Subscribe to join our mailing list so you can keep in touch with our results, new books, web sites, articles, tips and information to make acupressure work for you. You can find the points for your conditions here. We ask you to subscribe at no cost so we can determine how well you are doing without any of the tools we use for stimulating the points. The links below are being developed. To get more information in these areas visit: not working -- being developed 10_3_12 Home / disclaimer / symptoms / order / products / books / best sellers / history / research / how to do acupressure / contact us |